Welcome to Wicked Week!

Monday, October 26 – Friday, October 30

In-Person and Virtual Event Sign-Ups Below

Rumor has it that there’s no trick-or-treating this year. That’s terrifying! Of course, we can’t host Spooky Sunday (somehow a street fair with more than 1,000 people didn’t seem like the best way to go). But don’t be scared about missing Halloween. (Or telling your kids that they’re missing Halloween!) We’ve brewed up a whole week of excitement for YOU, including an interactive Zoom show every day at 4, small in-person events, and Terrifying Trivia for adults. And for those who are interested you can even open a vein: By popular request, we’re hosting a special Halloween week Bloodmobile!

Monday, October 26
  • 4:00 – 5:00 How to Paint a Pumpkin: A master pumpkin decorator will show how to decorate a pumpkin. You can keep it for your family or donate it to a struggling family who would love it. On Zoom!
Tuesday, October 27
  • 4:00 – 5:00 Face Painting 101: A professional make-up artist will give you tips on painting your face (or someone else’s face) like a pro! On Zoom!
  • 10:00 – 5:00 4 1-hour shifts (listed below): Put together bags of candy for underserved kids! We’re doing this in very small groups – in our parking lot, masked and distanced. In-person. Sign up below, but please don’t take spaces unless you’re sure you can come!
Wednesday, October 28
  • 9:00 – 3:00 The Bloodiest Bloodmobile. (Not really – we just wanted to make it sound Halloween-y.):
    During the shutdown there is a great blood shortage. What better time to give blood than Halloween week? In person! You can sign up to give blood here.
  • 4:00 – 5:00 Special Ghost Stories (and Fortunes!) Read by Special People: Ghost stories read, fortunes told, Mad Libs filled out, surprising guests. All for kids, but only for 1 hour, so don’t miss it! On Zoom!
Thursday, October 29
  • 4:00 – 5:00 A Very Spooky Magic Show! Phil Van Tee is back, just in time to shock and delight kids everywhere! On Zoom!
Friday, October 30
  •  4:00 – 5:00 The TGIF TGIH (Thank God it’s Halloween!) Party for Kids! You haven’t been to a Halloween party ‘til you’ve been to Big Sunday’s TGIF TGIH Zoom party. There will be games! Prizes! Fortune telling! Dancing! Yes, dancing! Wear your costume!
  •  7:00 – 8:00 Pablo’s Special Halloween Terrifying Trivia for Adults:  You know the game. You might know the answers. You’ll be amazed by the prizes. On Zoom!

Can’t participate but want to help? We need candy! In addition to costumes, we’re planning to give away bags of candy to hundreds of underserved kids. We need at least 10,000 pieces! (Scary!) We can buy 200 pieces for just $25! Can you help? If so, please donate here. (We’ll have a collection for dentist bills next month.)(Joke.) If you’d like to start a candy collection, contact [email protected]!

Questions? Contact [email protected]– if you dare!

Virtual Event Sign-Ups
Monday, October 26 – Friday, October 30

Feel free to sign up for as many as you like!
There will be prizes and raffles every day!

Fill out my online form.

In-Person Event: Tuesday, October 27

Making Spooky Candy Bags for Underserved Children All Over Town

6111 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90038

Click and sign up on the time slot below that works best for you!

In the name of health and safety, we have very limited space per allotted time. If you decide to attend, we are closing that spot and reserving it for you. So before you sign up, please be absolutely sure that you will be able to attend. Also by signing up, you are agreeing to all of Big Sunday’s safety measures which include wearing a mask at all times and maintain 6 feet of distance. We’ll be outside. Of course, if you are feeling sick or have been in contact with someone that has tested positive,  please do not attend the event and let us know so we can re-assign the space to someone on the waiting list.  Thank you for understanding. With these safety protocols in place, we can provide a safe and impactful event!

Unable to attend, or you’d rather skip it this year? No worries! Click HERE to sponsor a few candy bags (or a bunch of ‘em!).

Want to put together candy bags at home? Great! Contact [email protected] for instructions. 

Fill out my online form.

[Thanksgiving Stuffing Event] “Our Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without you guys. It warms my heart and replenishes my faith to witness such kindness in action.”

- -A.Z., Los Angeles