Pride Night

Come out and help out!

Join us on Wednesday, June 12th from 6pm-8pm as we fill cool summer beach bags for LGBTQ+ young people. Each summer bag contains a beach towel, sunscreen, a hat, a beachball, a stress ball, chapstick, bubbles, a reusable water bottle and some snacks!

We’ll also be serving up an awesome community dinner with a side of karaoke.

Whether you’re LGBTQ+, you know or love someone who is LGBTQ+, or you’re just an ally, we hope you can join the fun! All ages welcome. Groups, too!

PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS: 1741 N. Cherokee Ave., Hollywood, 90028

How Can You Help?

  1. Shop our Registry! If you don’t want to shop in person or host a collection, you can use our easy online registry by clicking below and we’ll do the shopping for you!
  2. Attend the Pride Night! Help Assemble and Distribute all the summer bags at Pride Night! Sign-up below.

[Thanksgiving Stuffing Event] “Our Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without you guys. It warms my heart and replenishes my faith to witness such kindness in action.”

- -A.Z., Los Angeles