Thanks for your great support of theBIGlist!
theBIGlist is our online wish list for people who have things they want to donate, and the nonprofits who need them.
Over the past year we’ve found great new homes at grateful schools, group homes and other nonprofits for everything from furniture to laptops to Hollywood Bowl tickets to Christmas trees. You can click to the list by clicking the icon in the right hand column.
If you have something to donate, please visit or contact [email protected] or call 323-549-9944.
And if you’d like to advertise on theBIGlist, please let us know that, too. It’s not expensive, and it’s a great way to support a wonderful cause.
Great news! We’ve received a very generous donation from the Marilyn S. Broad Foundation specifically for theBIGlist. If you have things to donate, please let us know!