UPDATE: Please note that due to the community health and safety concerns regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus), our 2W events have been postponed. Thank you for understanding!
First, there was TM@10, a weekly time for people of all ages together at our headquarters to help a whole bunch of local nonprofits while enjoying the company of new friends. That was so popular we added MM@10 which turned into MA@2.
Now we’re extremely excited to announce 2W@10! We will host a special event the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month from 10:00am – 11:30am to help local nonprofits. And what’s extra special about these days? Our guests of honor will be wonderful and fun volunteers with some developmental challenges who want to give back and help others, from groups including our great old friends from AbilityFirst, ETTA and Giant Steps Training Programs, Inc.